CANCER101 Stories

Below you will find the stories of patients, care partners and healthcare professionals
and their experiences with the CANCER101 Planner.


View more patient perspectives

View more healthcare professional perspectives

“When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my tightly organized world came to an end. From that day, when I received my CANCER101 Planner, my life has revolved around the accordion organizer and the notebook. I have tracked insurance, bills, and appointments in one place – a good thing when chemo brain set in! It was also a helpful place to begin my quest for specific information concerning my disease and treatment. Thank you CANCER101!”

Judi N., Breast Cancer, Warner Robins, GA

Patient Perspectives

“I really enjoy the CANCER101 Planner. It keeps all my records, tests, medications, and doctor appointments in one handy book that I carry with me to doctor appointments and chemo.”

Lonnie, Prostate Cancer, LA

“What a fantastic tool! There is so much going on during the testing, diagnosis, surgery, and treatment process that just staying organized is empowering – and extremely helpful for me and my wife.”

Frank, Colon Cancer, PA

“Having the CANCER101 Planner has helped me feel more prepared as I have met with all the various healthcare professionals in making decisions on moving forward with my treatment.”

Donald, Lung Cancer, MN

“I carry the planner with me everywhere. I have every report, test, scan-whatever I have done from beginning to end. This is the best thing ever. Everyone should use this planner. Thank you for caring so much. It has kept me right on track with everything I had to do or needed done. Great job!”

Anthony, Nasopharyngeal Cancer, NJ

“Despite being ‘educated’ I was not educated where cancer was concerned. I WISH I had CANCER101 in in the beginning. I would still have been overwhelmed and in shock but I would have had a framework to utilize and a way to approach my doctor with questions. I would have known to have sought treatment at another cancer center. If I had CANCER101 I would have had more knowledge and confidence and sought a second opinion. Courage and strength to all who must face cancer.”

Elaine, Melanoma, FL

“I have been taking the planner and the matching file folder to all my appointments and I just wanted to let you know I love, love, love it! You really thought of everything. I can’t tell you how much this has helped me. I have had the worst time keeping track of everything and this has really simplified things for me.”

Liz, Ovarian Cancer, NY
New York, NY

View more patient perspectives

“I was very concerned about being organized, where to get answers, etc. The planner was a lifesaver. It has certainly made this experience much easier. I am not the patient but we live together. I have the total responsibility for his care, doctor appointments, and answers for his concerns. Thank you very much for the packet and the much needed help it has given me.”

Dodie, Care Partner, TX

Care Partner Perspectives

“I just wanted to thank you for the CANCER101 Planner that you have created. I got it for a friend of mine and am going to recommend it to another friend of mine with breast cancer. I lost my mom to breast cancer when she was only 62 years old. She lived in a small town, without access to doctors unless she traveled 1 or 2 hours. I think if she had a tool like your planner it would have allowed her to be more proactive and follow up with her doctors more efficiently. Thanks again for making such a great tool available!”

Kerry, Care Partner, FL

“I am ordering this planner for a good friend that just received a cancer diagnosis. In decades past, a person would take a meal or a cake over to a friend to show love and support….this is my “cake”! This is valuable beyond words because it minimizes the stress by keeping things organized. Thank you again for providing this service.”

Dianne, Care Partner, PA

“If my wife and I had only had the breast CANCER101 Planner, her complicated doctor and medication schedules as well as the inundation of medical bills would never have been so overwhelming and taxing. C101 is a much needed tool for anyone touched by cancer.”

Thomas, Care Partner, NY

“The CANCER101 Planners have been an excellent resource for my cancer patients and their families. Being diagnosed with cancer is difficult enough. Having pertinent information from a reputable source in a concise, easily understood fashion makes it easier for the patient to understand their diagnosis and, ultimately, treatment options.”

Oncologist, Hackensack NJ

Healthcare Professional Perspectives

“The original planners were great but the new revised versions-FANTASTIC!!!!!!”

Nurse Practitioner, Burbank, CA

“The CANCER01 planner is a fantastic tool for patients, their families and the medical community. I found the planners helped my patients be better prepared, organized and informed, thus allowing me to focus on the important medical issues at hand.”

Oncologist, NY, NY

“This planner is an invaluable tool in laying the foundation for patients as they begin their journey into the world of cancer. They cannot control the fact that they have cancer, but they can take charge of the information they have, the team they choose, and choices they make, and this planner has helped empower them to be organized and in charge. Every single patient I have given this planner to has taken it with relief and determination on their face, as they come to grips with the reality of their diagnosis. This tool is just what they need to help them walk through their journey in an organized and informed manner. And I feel like I have a very valuable gift to give these patients! Thank you,

Nurse, Scottsdale, AZ

“Our patients request the CANCER101 Planners more than any other resource.”

Program Coordinator, Sacramento, CA

“...the perfect addition to her personal health record and the hospital's electronic health record since it enables her to document her thoughts and experiences in a way that complements the objective healthcare data gathered during the care process.”

Physician and CMIO gives kudos to CANCER101 for bringing order to wife’s cancer journey, Boston, MA

“I have had the opportunity to thoroughly review the materials. C101 is a well conceived, carefully constructed and professionally presented program for use with our breast cancer patients and their caregivers. I am amazed at your foresight in giving patients an opportunity for long-range planning in their cancer treatment. This is not only practical, but, on a less obvious level, offers hope and security for newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. I love it!”

Nurse Coordinator, Greenwich, CT

“As an administrator at a cancer center and a cancer survivor, CANCER101 provides a resource that every cancer patient could possibly need. It is a map that provides guidance through the complex and demanding journey that starts with a cancer diagnosis. This tool offers comprehensive information that anyone impacted by cancer can utilize. CANCER101 provides a sense of direction which is very invaluable on the cancer road.”

Social Worker and Cancer Thriver, New York, NY

View more healthcare professional perspectives

Below you will find the stories of patients, care partners and healthcare professionals, and their experiences with the CANCER101 Planner. “When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my tightly organized world came to an end. From that day, when I received my CANCER101 Planner, my life has revolved around the accordion organizer and the notebook. I have tracked insurance, bills, and appointments in one place – a good thing when chemo brain set in! It was also a helpful place to begin my quest for specific information concerning my disease and treatment. Thank you, CANCER101!” Judi, Breast Cancer, GA patient perspectives I really enjoy the CANCER101 Planner. It keeps all my records, tests, medications, and doctor appointments in one handy book that I carry with me to doctor appointments and chemo.” Lonnie, Prostate Cancer, LA “What a fantastic tool! There is so much going on during the testing, diagnosis, surgery, and treatment process that just staying organized is empowering – and extremely helpful for me and my wife.” Frank, Colon Cancer, PA “Having the CANCER101 Planner has helped me feel more prepared as I have met with all the various healthcare professionals in making decisions on moving forward with my treatment.” Donald, Lung Cancer, MN “I carry the planner with me everywhere. I have every report, test, scan-whatever I have done from beginning to end. This is the best thing ever. Everyone should use this planner. Thank you for caring so much. It has kept me right on track with everything I had to do or needed done. Great job!” Anthony, Nasopharyngeal Cancer, NJ “Despite being ‘educated’ I was not educated where cancer was concerned. I WISH I had CANCER101 in in the beginning. I would still have been overwhelmed and in shock but I would have had a framework to utilize and a way to approach my doctor with questions. I would have known to have sought treatment at another cancer center. If I had CANCER101 I would have had more knowledge and confidence and sought a second opinion. Courage and strength to all who must face cancer. ” Elaine, Melanoma, FL “I have been taking the planner and the matching file folder to all my appointments and I just wanted to let you know I love, love, love it! You really thought of everything. I can’t tell you how much this has helped me. I have had the worst time keeping track of everything and this has really simplified things for me.” Liz, Ovarian Cancer, NY I was very concerned about being organized, where to get answers, etc. The planner was a lifesaver; it has certainly made his experience much easier. I am not the patient but we live together. I have the total responsibility for his care, Dr. appointments, and answers for his concerns. Thank you very much for the packet and the much needed help it has given me. Dodie F.,Care Partner, Perrin,TX I just wanted to thank you for the CANCER101 Planner that you have created. I got it for a friend of mine and am going to recommend it to another friend of mine with breast cancer. I lost my mom to breast cancer when she was only 62 years old.