“Staying organized is one of the biggest challenges when faced with an unexpected, complex medical condition. The C101 Planner has found a way to put all of the details needed in a convenient, portable size that is easy to use and understand. It makes scheduling procedures easier when all appointments are readily available in a ‘one-stop’ resource. I love this tool. Don’t ever stop producing it!”
“Our patients have loved receiving these planners in our totes given to newly diagnosed women with breast cancer. They are so useful to help organize their upcoming journey through the medical system. As a breast cancer support and information center, we feel so grateful to have these amazing organizers available for our patients.”
“Patients love the expandable file for their bills, insurance and the fact that everything is together. They love the notes, the Medical History and Appointment Tracker part. They feel it helps them when they go from appointment to appointment to have it all there from the last visit. Good job and very well done.”
“We have received the planners and we all love them. We already gave away two today and both women were very grateful. Thanks so much for this wonderful tool to help women with breast cancer. It just helps us to fulfill even more our mission to support the women affected by breast cancer.”
“Organizer is replete with information as well as all important organization for treatment. This compendium is worth way more than 10 books on cancer. My clinic distributes this to all patients, and models its procedures on C101. A gem of a resource!
“The entire planner is valuable. Thank you for developing such valuable tools to help individuals make the cancer journey easier to travel by having a very portable organizational planner tool and the accordion file to keep large paperwork and materials organized.”
“The planners are wonderful. All of our staff and physicians have reviewed the material and think it is outstanding. They are even better than we had hoped for. Thanks and appreciation for giving us these wonderful gifts to pass on to our lovely patients. Bless each of you at CANCER101 for this great achievement!”
“The planners are wonderful! They will be a great asset to our Comprehensive Breast Care Center Coordinator when she does in-depth one-on-one patient teaching to women before their surgeries. I also find it contains other useful information that I can use, through my support services program, for patients with other cancer diagnoses.”
“I cannot thank you enough for the outstanding binders. As we roll out our Navigator program, we will utilize the binder with each patient. We are excited about our new program and we are looking forward to your mentorship.”
“The CANCER101 planner is a fantastic tool for patients. There really isn't anything currently available with this breadth of support for patients.”
“I love the planners. I just received them and gave my first one out today. Thank you for providing such a great service to our patients, I myself am a survivor. God Bless your future efforts.”
“Patients love the Planner and the format is great!”
“This tool is always received so well by our cancer patients and they really appreciate that it is so compact… the folders are really helpful too.”
“It is all great- they love having everything in one spot. All of my patients have loved them. Each new patient gets one when they come to the Cancer Center. Great work, these are a big plus to give to patients.”
“I think they look great. I especially like your file as I encourage patients to keep copies of their pathology reports and treatment. Thanks so much.”
“We are very pleased to be able to deliver these to our patients. Thank you for your continued commitment to make this happen.”
“I have received the planners, taken a close look through them and began distributing to our patients. They are great!!! I love them.”
“This is such a great thing. I am proud to have this packet to give my patients.”
“The whole planner is great. My patients love it! Also love the smaller size of the book - patients say it's easier to carry.”
“Thank you for developing a planner that goes over everything I teach my patients during their chemo education appointment.”
“Thank you so much for sending us the wonderful planners. They are not only a great idea, but they are also thoughtfully and well put together. We at Lesbian Community Cancer Project greatly appreciate you sharing these tools.”
“Well received by patients, thorough and easy to use.”
“CANCER101 Planners are a wonderful resource for our patients.”
“The planners are wonderful! I do so appreciate you sending to us and I look forward to sharing with our patients.”
“I received the planners. They look great!! Thanks again. We love them.”
“The planners are awesome. Thanks again for this great resource.”
“The planners arrived and they are great! They were worth waiting for!”
“Absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much!!”
“I received the planners and I am so very impressed by how nicely they came out. I thank you so much for sending them to me. I am sure the patients will also find them very useful. The work that was put into them is apparent. I know they will be well received!”