
Telehealth is the use of digital information and communication technology that provides you with access to health services
virtually-without leaving your home. Whether it’s connecting to your healthcare team virtually through telemedicine or
using a device to monitor your health from home, there are a spectrum of options available to you.

We’ve worked with patients, care partners, and even clinicians to understand some of the challenges and opportunities, and
curated tips to help you explore your options. We’ve also created a checklist to help you prepare for a virtual visit-before,
during and after the encounter!

Below are just a few tips to help facilitate your virtual visit.
What would you add to these tips?

What’s in Your Digital Medicine Cabinet?

What’s in Your Digital
Medicine Cabinet?

There is a variety of technology that
can help you manage your health
outside of the doctor’s office, but
also provide important information
during the virtual visit. Ask your
doctor what type of technology
might be helpful during future virtual
visits and/or to track your health
over time.

Got Options?

Got Options?

Telehealth gives you the
opportunity to connect with
your doctor virtually beyond
the constraints of time and
geography. There are times
when a telemedicine visit may
be more convenient than an
in-person visit, and you have
a spectrum of other options
to pick from based on your
health concern and preferences.

Preparation-Before, During and After.

Before, During and After.

Your story is an important part of
the doctor’s visit, as medicine’s
oldest diagnostic tool, but it’s easy
to forget the details. Take the time
to prepare for your virtual visit
using templates to piece together
your medical history. You can use
The Prepared Patient: Before,
During and After the Virtual Visit

as a checklist.

Location, Location, Location.

Location, Location,

Although technology allows
us to connect from just about
anywhere, your health matters so
plan where you’ll be in advance.
Pick a quiet location where you will
have privacy so you can share
sensitive information with your
doctor without any distractions. If
you’re connecting via webcam,
your background and the people in
it will also be part of that
virtual visit so plan accordingly.

Read My Lips.

Read My Lips.

Nothing is more distracting
than an audio or visual delay
when connecting virtually. Ask
to test your sound, video and
wi-fi quality in advance, so you
don’t have any unnecessary
distractions (especially if you’re
using technology you haven’t
used before).

Frame of View Matters.

Frame of View

Your camera is the window
to your virtual visit and it’s
important for your doctor
to be able to see your torso
and arms in a well-lit area.
Your doctor may perform a
virtual physical exam, so be
sure you have enough space
to move around if asked (and
wear comfortable clothing).

Information Overload.


Don’t forget to take notes!
Using new technology might
be distracting, and you can easily
forget what you discussed
during the virtual visit. Keep a
pen and paper handy, ask for an
after visit summary, and take a
look at the doctor’s medical note
in your patient portal

Managing Expectations.


Ask how long the virtual
visit will be so you can
plan accordingly. Also
confirm insurance coverage
and any out-of-pocket
requirements in advance.

What are Your Preferences?

What are Your

We all have different
communication preferences
and the type of technology
we’re most comfortable with.
You can use the Learning
Preference Barometer
help you determine your
communication preferences.
There might also be a learning
curve with new technology so
ask for a walk-through in

Friends & Family.

Friends & Family.

The beauty of technology is that
a concerned family member that
helps coordinate your care from
afar (or even a friend) can join a
virtual visit and be your advocate.
They can take notes and help ask
important questions.


What’s in Your Digital Medicine Cabinet?

There is a variety of technology that can help you manage your health outside of the doctor’s office, but also provide important information during the virtual visit. Ask your doctor what type of technology might be helpful during future virtual visits and/or to track your health over time.

Got Options?

Telehealth gives you the opportunity to connect with your doctor virtually beyond the constraints of time and geography. There are times when a telemedicine visit may be more convenient than an in-person visit, and you have a spectrum of other options to pick from based on your health concern and preferences.

Before, During and After.

Your story is an important part of
the doctor’s visit, as medicine’s
oldest diagnostic tool, but it’s easy
to forget the details. Take the time
to prepare for your virtual visit
using templates to piece together
your medical history. You can use
The Prepared Patient: Before,
During and After the Virtual Visit

as a checklist.

Location, Location,

Although technology allows
us to connect from just about
anywhere, your health matters so
plan where you’ll be in advance.
Pick a quiet location where you will
have privacy so you can share
sensitive information with your
doctor without any distractions. If
you’re connecting via webcam,
your background and the people in
it will also be part of that
virtual visit so plan accordingly.

Read My Lips.

Nothing is more distracting
than an audio or visual delay
when connecting virtually. Ask
to test your sound, video and
wi-fi quality in advance, so you
don’t have any unnecessary
distractions (especially if you’re
using technology you haven’t
used before).

Frame of View

Your camera is the window
to your virtual visit and it’s
important for your doctor
to be able to see your torso
and arms in a well-lit area.
Your doctor may perform a
virtual physical exam, so be
sure you have enough space
to move around if asked (and
wear comfortable clothing).


Don’t forget to take notes!
Using new technology might
be distracting, and you can easily
forget what you discussed
during the virtual visit. Keep a
pen and paper handy, ask for an
after visit summary, and take a
look at the doctor’s medical note
in your patient portal


Ask how long the virtual
visit will be so you can
plan accordingly. Also
confirm insurance coverage
and any out-of-pocket
requirements in advance.

What are Your

We all have different
communication preferences
and the type of technology
we’re most comfortable with.
You can use the Learning
Preference Barometer
help you determine your
communication preferences.
There might also be a learning
curve with new technology so
ask for a walk-through in

Friends & Family.

The beauty of technology is that
a concerned family member that
helps coordinate your care from
afar (or even a friend) can join a
virtual visit and be your advocate.
They can take notes and help ask
important questions.

The Prepared Patient Checklist

The Prepared Patient Checklist:
Before, During & After a Virtual Visit

There are a few things you might forget to follow-up on before, during and
after your virtual visit. We’ve created a simple checklist to help you prepare.

Telehealth: A Spectrum of Options

Telehealth: A Spectrum of Options

We’ve captured a few examples of telehealth for you to explore.
Ask your healthcare team about the options available to you!