Your story, life experiences, and how they may impact your health hold important clues that are just as important as a lab or diagnostic
test. We each have a story to tell, but we need to gather the relevant details of our past, present and future goals, and then learn how to
share that story to maximize our limited time with the healthcare team.
Your family health history is a great source of information that can help identify conditions that run in your family and/or need for additional screenings or genetic testing. Over time, you may also undergo different medical procedures or have tests and treatments that you forget to share with your healthcare team, as you see different doctors. We created the Medical Memoir™ to help you keep track of your family and personal medical history in one place. You can track your Family Health History by building a family tree. You can also create a Medical Timeline where you can track tests, treatments and key medical events over time for easy reference.
When visiting a doctor for the first time, take the time to share information about who you are as a person—not just as a patient. What's important to you? Do you have any specific values or spiritual beliefs that should be factored into your care? Is there anything new happening in your life? When preparing for an upcoming medical visit, conduct a Head to Toe Analysis, and make note of any recent issues or life changes since your last visit. How are you feeling emotionally? Keep track of your medications, supplements, and symptoms you’re experiencing since these important clues may impact your care.
Do you have any future goals that you want to share with your healthcare team? Whether they’re self-care goals or you want to walk your daughter down the aisle in 7 months, be sure to share these goals so you can develop a realistic action plan with your healthcare team.
Your family health history is a great source of information that can help identify conditions that run in your family and/or need for additional screenings or genetic testing. Over time, you may also undergo different medical procedures or have tests and treatments that you forget to share with your healthcare team, as you see different doctors. Medical Memoir™ to help you keep track of your family and personal medical history in one place. You can track your Family Health History by building a family tree. You can also create a Medical Timeline where you can track tests, treatments and key medical events over time for easy reference.
When visiting a doctor for the first time, take the time to share information about who you are as a person—not just as a patient. What's important to you? Do you have any specific values or spiritual beliefs that should be factored into your care? Is there anything new happening in your life? When preparing for an upcoming medical visit, conduct a Head to Toe Analysis, and make note of any recent issues or life changes since your last visit. How are you feeling emotionally? Keep track of your medications, supplements, and symptoms you’re experiencing since these important clues may impact your care.
Do you have any future goals that you want to share with your healthcare team? Whether they’re self-care goals or you want to walk your daughter down the aisle in 7 months, be sure to share these goals so you can develop a realistic action plan with your healthcare team.